Tuesday 24 January 2012

All about...


Name: Helena Feliu.
From: Banyoles
Family: Mother: Rosa, father: Francesc, brother: Sergi and twin: Mireia.
Pets: One rabbit, lacky.
Hobbies: Running and listening to music.
Not interesting: Dancing hip-hop.
Favorite actor: Justin Bieber and Mikel Iglesias.
Favorite food: Pasta.


Her name is Helena Felius. She is from in Banyoles. She has a very large family, his mother, Rosa, father, Francesc, brother, Sergi and her sister Mireia. Helenas has got one rabbit, Lacky. Her hobbies are running and listening to music. She's not interestd in dancing hip-hop. Her favorite actor is Justin Bieber and Mikel Iglesias and her favorite food is pasta.

"Sant Martirià"


Write about a celebration or festival in your area.


1. What's the celebration?
2. When is it?
3. What do people do?
4. What do you usually do?
5. What do you like?


Every year there is the festival of 'Sant Martirià'. It is the 24th of October. People go dancing the 'sardana', the festival is celebrated after the music, competition for orchestras.

People usually come back, they like to leave the 'Plaça Major', go to 'Parc de la Draga' and also parties have to Banyoles.

On the parties of 'Sant Martirià' I like going out friends and do different activites, it something different and we like what we do. I like it because they are different from ordinay days.


·Do you use also correctly?


Write a report about nationalities and languages in your class.


1. How many students are there in your class?
2. Where are they from?
3. What languages do people study at your school?
4. What languages do people speak?
5. What level is your English?
6. What do you want to improve?
7. What do you think of the learning strategies on page 30?


In my class there are 27 students, one is frome Morocco, frome Gambia, another from Romania, two from Africa, one in Vietnam and the rest from Catalonia. At my school we study English, Catalan and Spanish. The languages we speak in the class, and it are the Catalan and Spanish. My opinion of English is that it is very difficult. What I wants is to improve vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar. With the strategies on page 30, helps us to study more English and learn more about it.

·Spelling and punctuation

Tuesday 10 January 2012

NEW YORK Ten years after the tragedy

On 11 September 2001, the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York were destroyed in a terrorist attack. Four young people from the USA, the UK and France remember that terrible day...

Lyle, age 25, Memphis, USA.
"I was 15 on the day pf the attack. I was at school, and saw rhe second plane* hit the Twin Tower live* on TV. We didn't feel* the trauma in the same way as the people of New York, but we were angry. I also felt* scared*. My country was under attack and I thought I was going to see armies* in the streets".

Olivia, age 25, France.
"I was 15 on the day of the attack. I watched it on TV in France. Cameras were doing close-ups* on the people who were jumping* from the Twin Towers. I felt* shocked and sad when I understood what had happend. But I wasn't worried* about France. They cleared* the Montparnasse Tower because it's the highest* point in Paris. It didn't seem safe*".

On September 11, four planes* were hijacked* by terrorist. Two crashed* into the Word Trade Center in New York, one hit the Pentagon and another crashed in Pennsylvania. 2,996 people died in the country's worst terrorist attack in history.

Plane - Avió
Live - En directe
Feel - Sentirse
Felt - Sentirse
Scared - Asustat
Armies - Ejercit
Close-ups - Primer pla
Jumping - Saltar
Worried - Preocupat
Cleared - Desalotjar
Highest - Més alt
Safe - Segur
Hijacked - Secuastrat
Crashed - Estrallarse